Engel, L. & Low, M. (in press). The Trouble with Psychedelic Cacti: Diverse meanings of San Pedro and Peyote. Contemporary Drug Problems.
Engel, L., Thal, S., Low, M. & Bright, S. (2024). Psychedelic trip sitting, dosages and intensities: Supplementing clinical studies with anecdotal reports. Journal of Psychedelic Studies.
Engel, L., Barratt, M., Ferris, J., Puljevic, C. & Winstock, A. (2023). Choosing San Pedro or Peyote: A preliminary descriptive study of mescaline cacti consumers. Journal of Psychedelic Studies.
Engel, L., Thal, S., & Bright, S. (2022). Psychedelic forum member preferences for carer experience and consumption behaviour: Can ‘trip sitters’ help inform psychedelic harm reduction services? Contemporary Drug Problems,
Thal, S., Engel, L. & Bright, S. (2022). Sober sitter or coconsumer? Psychedelics, online forums and preferences for interpersonal interactions, Addiction Research & Theory,
Thal, S., Engel, L. & Bright, S. (2022). Presence, trust, empathy: Preferred characteristics of psychedelic carers. Journal of Humanistic Psychology,
Barratt, M., Lamy, F., Engel, L., Davies, E., Puljevic, C., Ferris, J., & Winstock A. (2022). Exploring Televend, an innovative combination of cryptomarket and messaging app technologies for trading prohibited drugs. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
Engel, L., Bright, S., Barratt, M. J., & Allen, M. (2020). Positive drug stories: possibilities for agency and positive subjectivity for harm reduction. Addiction Research and Theory,
Blatchford, E., Bright S., Engel, L. (2020). Tripping over the other: Could psychedelics increase empathy? Journal of Psychedelic Studies,
Science communication
Engel, L., Hall, D. & Low, M. (2025). Plant Checking: Identifying and quantifying drugs in flora. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2024). Psychoactive Plants 101. The Mescaline Garden.
Engel, L. (2023). PsychCombo.
Engel L. (2023). Reference guide for common wattles: Acacia acuminata, A. floribunda and A. longifolia. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2023). Reference guide to common wattles. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel L. (2023) San Pedronomics: Auctioning Trichocereus cacti. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2022). Australian San Pedro: A classic clone catalogue. Conference Journal 5, Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2022). San Pedro Lookalikes: Identifying Trichocereus imposters. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2022). Sitting the trippers. 360info, Monash University.
Engel, L. (2022). The Entheogen Combination Matrix. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. & Gibson, P. (2022). Indoctrinated by plants (uncut). Entheogenesis Australis.
Gibson, P. & Engel, L. (2022). Indoctrinated by plants. Wonderground.
Engel, L. (2021). Sharing drug stories. Advocate, 4, 6-8.
Engel, L. (2021). Reporting on alcohol & other drugs: Guidelines for Journalists. AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. & Daze, H. (2021).Coke bottle tek: A terrarium technique. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. & Winstock, A. (2021). GDS2022: Spikey, succulent psychedelics; San Pedro and Peyote, the mescaline cacti. Global Drug Survey.
Engel, L. (2021). Lophophora conservation reference guide, Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. & Cohen, R. (2021). Cannabis for depression: How Forbes got it wrong, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. & Mendelsohn, C. (2021). Demonising vaping: The Tele and APC threaten public health, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (2021). Cannabis concentrates reference guide, Entheogenesis Australis.
Barlow, C. & Engel, L. (2021). How to make a spore print, Entheogenesis Australis.
Barlow, C. (2021). Psilocybe subaeruginosa reference guide, Engel, L. (ed.), Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L. (2021). Dr Liam’s Lowdown: Reducing the harms around cannabis concentrates and vaping, User’s News.
Engel, L. (2021). Pot Paparazzi: Shame, stigma and repetition gets Queensland print media through slow news days, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (2020). 60 Minutes try psychedelics and have a surprisingly good trip, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (2019). Have you tried DMT? Erowid, Psychedelic Research in Science and Medicine, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia, Australian Psychedelic Society, Entheogenesis Australis, Shaman Australis Botanicals, Erowid, Enpsychedelia.
Engel, L., Eassey, C., Blatchford, E. (2019). People cared for by DanceWize NSW, NSW Users and Aids Association.
Engel, L. (2019) Law enforcement are not drug experts, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (2019) Harm reduction does not promote drug use, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L., White, M. (2018). We need harm reduction drug education, not drug prevention education, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (2018). ABC disingenuously makes ice the focus of its National Wastewater Drug Monitoring report coverage, AOD Media Watch.
Engel, L. (WIP). Psychoactive Plants & Fungi. Thames & Hudson, Australia.
Engel, L. (2022). The San Pedro Appreciation Guide. Tzanetis, S. (ed.), The Mescaline Garden, Australia.
Noll, P. (2022). Trichocereus culture, Engel, L. (ed.), Cactus Jerk, Germany.
Noll, P. (2018). San Pedro Hybrids, Engel, L. (ed.),, Germany.
The Global Cannabis Cultivation Consortium
The Psychoactive Acacia Annotated Bibliography
SSDP Australia’s Pill Testing Annotated Bibliography
Engel, L. (2019). An Online Australian Drug Discussion: Illicit drug policy and the Australian Drug Discussion (AusDD) forum, Doctoral Thesis, Canberra University.
Engel, L. (2015). The Self-Critical Politics of Play: Politics as Autotelic, Masters Thesis, Macquarie University.
Carmichael, R., Williams, M., Miles, L., Barlow, C., Jazz, B., van Kleuwen, E., Engel, L., & darklight. (2020) Submission on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard concerning psilocybin. Entheogenesis Australis.
Carmichael, R., Miles, L., Engel, L., Jazz, B., Barlow, C., van Kleuwen, E., Williams, M., & darklight. (2020) Submission on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard concerning MDMA. Entheogenesis Australis.
Engel, L., Kent, N., Pierce, A., Blatchford, E., Mclean, G. Stojanovik, M., Tanner, M., Powell, T. (2018) Pill Testing: Position Statement, Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia.